August 27, 2005

Catholic Contributions

Today the Catholic News Service reported the following:

Catholics in the U.S. contribute about 1 percent of their income to the church while Protestants contribute 2 percent to 2.5 percent, a Villanova University economics professor told a stewardship conference sponsored by the Archdiocese of New Orleans.

Here's the link: click here.

This is definitely an apples and oranges comparison. The study compares the contributions of Catholics to their parishes to the contributions of Protestants to their parishes. But Catholics have so many more claims on their contributions.

Colleges, high schools, grammar schools; the communities of the nuns, brothers, and priests who ran those schools they attended; the missions; the education of seminarians; the retirement fund for religious; Peter's Pence. And the list goes on.

I have no data to back this up, so just know that this is total speculation. But I would dare say that Catholics in the United States are the most generous Catholics in the world. We contribute a whole lot more than 1%.